Want to be employee #3 in an up- and coming FinTech start-up founded by industry veterans? Become a Signalyst for the summer and help write our story!
This is a unique opportunity to combine the thrill of a brand-new startup taking its first steps with learning the tools of the trade directly from two founders with decades of experience in the investment industry.
How can you help us?
Frankly, with everything. As we go to market, there are a million things to do and only two of us. As a result, we can use support on all fronts. We continue to develop our scalable platform for signal generation, so if you like coding in Python or building and automating things in Google Cloud Platform, there are plenty of exciting things you can do. At the same time, we are rolling out our signals to clients and if you are interested in marketing and sales and have some experience and skill in this field, we’ll make sure to put them to good use!
First and foremost, we are looking for someone who enjoys tackling problems hands-on, has a strong desire to pick up new skills and wants to apply them where it really matters.
We have a wide range of tasks for you, so don’t worry about not ticking every box here. In this early stage of our startup your ability to improvise, learn and adapt quickly is more important than any specific skill you might already have. Having said that, below are some of the skills that would come in very handy for us:
Even more important than the tasks you will be doing is what you will be learning during your internship. As you will share an office with the founders of the company, we promise to teach you everything we know and anything that you might want to learn from us. With over 40 years of experience at companies like Barclays, Bain or Deutsche Börse to name a few, we have seen a thing or two in finance and are more than happy to pass on the knowledge.
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