Mimetik revolutionises the way production knowledge is captured, organised, and shared. By harnessing the power of wearable technology, Mimetik transforms individual expertise into a collective resource, ensuring that valuable insights are seamlessly transferred across the workforce. With Mimetik, every team member becomes a contributor and a beneficiary, unlocking the full potential of shared knowledge. The complexity of managing vast information is effortlessly streamlined, empowering organisations to thrive in a world where knowledge is the key to innovation and success.
As an AI Engineer (m/f/x) with a strong machine learning background, you will endeavour diverse challenging goals requiring your attention, starting from movement recognition and ranging to AI-aided human assisting bots. You will have a strong team of developers helping to integrate your ideas in a product. For a seamless cooperation with the developers team, you are capable of programming and testing your ideas. Your creativeness will shape the Mimetik technology and will facilitate a rich palette of Mimetik use cases.
Mimetik revolutionises the way production knowledge is captured, organised, and shared. By harnessing the power of wearable technology, Mimetik transforms individual expertise into a collective resource, ensuring that valuable insights are seamlessly transferred across the workforce. With Mimetik, every team member becomes a contributor and a beneficiary, unlocking the full potential of shared knowledge. The complexity of managing vast information is effortlessly streamlined, empowering organisations to thrive in a world where knowledge is the key to innovation and success.
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