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eResearchTechnology GmbH | Clario

Clario is a global data and technology company that minimizes uncertainty and risk in clinical trials so that customers (Pharma companies, biotechs and CROs) can move ahead with confidence.

We are based in Estenfeld near Würzburg, constantly growing and searching for new faces for our positions (without the need to speak German).


eResearchTechnology GmbH | Sieboldstrasse 3 | 97230 Estenfeld | Germany

Amtsgericht Würzburg, HRB 10688

Geschäftsführer: Christopher Fikry, Michael Bonello, Achim Schülke, Wolfgang Messner

Umsatzsteuer ID: DE270 853 733

Datenschutzbeauftragter der ERT GmbH
+49 9305 720 6650
[email protected]